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Russian and China Collaboration Threatens U.S. Hegemony

China and Russia are cooperating in unprecedented ways to undermine the hegemony of the United States. A new “cold war” is in progress.

In almost every area, the axis is operating against American and Western interests including military buildups, aggressive trade and economic policies including creating alternative international financial institutions, aggressive expansion of territorial claims, facilitating rogue regimes militarily and economically, aggressive cyber warfare and intelligence espionage and theft, indirectly aiding terrorist groups and standing together at the UN. The axis exacerbates virtually every threat or problem facing the U.S. today.

In 1969 the two nations were at war, but since 1989 when Michael Gorbachev visited China, the two nations have a growing strategic affinity. For sure they have their rivalry, but their collaboration is unprecedented.

Undermining U.S. hegemony will lead to war. See Matthew 24:6, 7

See also: “The Russia-China Axis” by Douglas E. Schoen and Melik Kaylan.

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