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Russia and NATO Prepare for Cold War-style Standoff

“Russia is assembling military forces in eastern Europe as it draws closer to a potential Cold War-style standoff with NATO in the Baltic states.” The build-up includes troops, trucks, equipment, radar systems to various bases around Kaliningrad and also sites further inland. Russia says it believes its borders are under threat as NATO forces draw closer, and must build up its forces.

Tension between NATO states and Russia has been escalating since Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. In response to NATO’s announcement of a U.S.-supported missile shield, Russia is “likely” to deploy advanced nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in its Kaliningrad bases by 2019. NATO also announced that it would deploy four multinational battalions, or around 4,000 troops, to the Baltic states and Poland to bolster their defenses against Russia in the region.

According to one of the alliance’s most senior retired generals, Sir Richard Shirreff, “NATO risks a nuclear war with Russia within a year if it does not increase its defense capabilities in the Baltic states.”

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.” Matthew 24:6.

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