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KTF Insider, July 2014

From Wheelchair to Walking

I had a wonderful experience in London this past weekend. By the grace of God, the church in Gospatrick was packed with about 150 enthusiastic people, some who had come from long distances. Many expressed their great appreciation for the powerful messages from God’s word.

Poorna and Andrew McClintock attended the meetings and gave their testimony of how God had healed Poorna of seriously infected feet at Highwood Health Retreat in Australia, and how much improved her rheumatoid arthritis is after spending three months there. I was amazed when I saw Poorna walking. Her gait is almost normal again.

Poorna and her husband Andrew live in London. When I first met them, Poorna was in a wheel chair and in a lot of pain from her rheumatoid arthritis. Her doctors did not know what to do for her. They just prescribed drugs. Andrew and Poorna had studied our Keep the Faith website and read our sermons posted there, including those of Elder Lawrence Nelson. As they studied they accepted the Sabbath, the state of the dead, the prophetic ministry of Ellen White and other core Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. They became vegetarians and adopted the health message as best they knew how. I had the privilege to baptize them about a year ago during a meeting at Fareham, which is down along the seacoast in the south part of England. Poorna had difficulty getting into the baptismal font.

But afterwards, I invited them to consider coming to Highwood for treatment. Eventually, after thinking and planning, they made the long journey. While at Highwood, Judy Astleford, our nurse and manager at the time, took them under her wing and worked diligently with Poorna, day in and day out. By the time they left Highwood, Poorna was walking daily and had done at least one 8 km (4.5 miles) walk.

Poorna is now walking quite gingerly and is sure of her footing. All the people in attendance praised the Lord for His blessing. It was a wonderful testimony to the power of God’s natural remedies. When the doctors give up, God still has solutions!

Highwood Spirit

God may have just blown it wide open! I’m reeling in amazement. I never would have expected this to happen quite so soon. But it has! I hinted a little about this in last month’s newsletter, but this month I can be a bit more specific.

As I write this, I have just returned from a visit to South Australia where I met with a small group to discuss the possibility of establishing another Keep the Faith health retreat near Adelaide. We visited a few potential properties, discussed, staffing, funding, the local council and its regulations, hurdles to overcome and a number of other key issues.

As I met with one of the pastors, a doctor and a few other interested people from around SA, I was greatly impressed that God may well be pointedly leading in this work. As we discussed the steps necessary in order to know the Lord’s will and begin the process of forming plans, the enthusiasm was palpable.

And get this. There is already a “built-in” means of bringing guests to the health retreat that is essentially in place. Plus, there are several potential staff members already prepared to become part of a good team. And there is at least one supportive local pastor. Each person came with different perspectives and ideas, but, as we joined together in prayer and discussion it became apparent that something important was happening. As we talked about how to organize priorities in starting such a venture, I literally watched God pull the group together and get us all thinking quite in unity. As we mapped out a pathway forward, He also gave us clear steps to take. It was amazing!

One of the potential properties we visited has considerable possibilities, though I will have to share its features at another time if God is leading us there. And there are some hurdles to overcome that will indicate more clearly the Lord’s will. For instance, the local council, not surprisingly, has restrictions that would have to be navigated. This could take a considerable amount of time. Another important hurdle is funding. But God made it clear to us that He is already at work with that too.

As we discussed funding, it became apparent that this could well come together. A group of donors offered to match whatever is raised toward the down payment. By the time I left more than $20,000 was committed toward the project. Also, a means of funding any start-up debt or mortgage was also sorted out in principle. That means that only operations would have to be funded by guests.

Actually, I had discussed this concept for SA with a doctor friend there a couple of years ago. But I never imagined that so many factors would combine so rapidly. But God has to get things going. We are near the end of time, and medical missionary work is vital to the success of the final movement.

Though I cannot say exactly the timing, there are clear instructions from heaven itself that we must start such a work near Adelaide. Let me remind you of the statement in the Spirit of Prophecy that pointedly says, “Sanitariums should be established near such cities and Melbourne and Adelaide,” Medical Ministry, page 326. Highwood Health Retreat is near Melbourne already. Perhaps now it is God’s timing to begin this work in Adelaide. God’s will is obvious. We must watch for His providence and move when He says to move.

Though there is still a “lot of water to go under the bridge,” as the saying goes, from my experience in a number of ministries over the years, I can see the elements may well be coming into place to make it happen. I don’t expect that the health retreat will actually begin for about a year or so because of the local council regulations that must be navigated. But I am greatly encouraged that God is bringing something together for Adelaide and all of South Australia. 

Please pray for this important work. And if you believe God is moving you to help with a gift that would be doubled, please contact me. My email address is: hmayer@ktfministry.org. Your prayers and support mean much to us and to our powerful God.

While in Australia in June, I also visited with a very small group that is interested in starting a health retreat in Queensland. In a different way, I see God’s hand there too. Steadily, carefully, the elements for a suitable location are being put in place. We are praying for God’s leading there too. I expect to have more to share on this over the next year or two.

We are still following up the massive literature project in Melbourne last March. While working on the streets of Melbourne, one of our volunteers was lost. A young man named Matt helped him with directions and later wrote him an email. He said he had checked out the end-time website associated with our literature, and told him he had “converted to his ways.” We sent him a copy of The Great Controversy. Later he emailed Stine and said he had received it and would get around to reading it after he finished his university exams. Please pray for Matt.

And please keep praying for Highwood Health Retreat and its guests. If you are able to volunteer at Highwood in December and/or January to help with phase three renovations of Highwood Health Retreat, please let me know. We need skilled and unskilled workers. Last December and January, we had such a wonderful time working together. I believe this year will be even better.

Also, if you are interested in serving the Lord at Highwood, we have some staffing needs. They are: nurse, female massage therapist, vegan cook, gardener, housekeeping supervisor and creative marketing.

Eating Cooked Meat may lead to Dementia

Cooking meat produces chemicals, which may increase the risk of dementia U.S. researchers now say. The process of cooking meat produces Advanced Glycation End (AGE) which has already been linked to type-2 diabetes.

Dangerous protein build-up in the brain was seen in mice fed with AGE along with impaired cognitive function.

The “compelling” animal experiments showed that AGEs affects the chemistry of the brain and causes a build-up of defective beta amyloid protein, a key factor in Alzheimer’s disease. Mice with a low-AGE diet did not produce the damaged amyloid.

Initial studies in humans suggest a link between high levels of AGEs in the blood and cognitive decline. One study also suggested that reducing dietary AGEs would reduce the prevalence of age related dementia. While diabetes has been linked to the risk of dementia, the study suggests what molecular processes may be included.

“Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 81

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