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KTF Insider, August 2014

Monthly CDs Change Lives

“I grew up as an Seventh-day Adventist and heard present truth all my life. I didn’t like it,” said Andrea. “But I listen to your CDs and heaven now seems so real to me. You have no idea…”

I met Andrea at a recent camp meeting and was so thankful for her testimony. We never know for sure what spiritual struggles people have. But, it is gratifying to hear that heaven has become so real. That’s what it’s all about!

“I enjoyed that CD,” said Sandra to her mother Annie. When Sandra was younger, she wanted to do right. She even wanted to be in ministry, but she had wandered from the Lord. She has not been attending church regularly. Annie told me that when she would talk to Sandra about spiritual things, she usually just said, “yea, yea, yea.”

But recently Annie gave her one of our CDs to listen to in her car. She did, and apparently, the Lord touched her heart. When they were together again, Sandra told Annie that she really enjoyed the CD. Now, Sandra is one of our subscribers. We pray that Sandra will find her way back to the Lord and prepare her life for the coming of Jesus.

Highwood Spirit

Joyce is a Christian lady that Wendy talked to on the street during our literature campaign in Melbourne, Australia. Joyce and her husband came to the Highwood Reunion Day in June and stayed overnight. They had a wonderful time. Our team had a very lovely time with them too. Shortly afterward, Stine (pronounced Steena), our Bible worker, received an email from her. “I miss you and everyone at Highwood Retreat. Everyone we met was so friendly, sincere and helpful, great Christian models. I would love to keep in contact with you…” We are praying that Joyce will continue to pursue a closer and more enlightened walk with God.

Abel met Anna in a restaurant during our literature campaign in Melbourne. She had previous contact with Highwood Health Retreat. Able gave her a copy of The Great Controversy and she has begun reading it. Anna also recently came for a visit to Highwood. She has been very impressed with our team and wants to stay close to us. We are praying that God will open hear heart.

Part of the Literature group

Stine was on her way to Melbourne to find a place to hold weekly Bible studies in the central business district. She was going to see if she could find a room to hire at the state library. It was a rainy, windy and chilly day. When she arrived at the train station she learned that a tree had fallen on the tracks and the trains weren’t running at that time. Instead busses were available. This meant some considerable delays.

As she hurried to the waiting bus, she met another young lady about her own age. They struck up a conversation and stuck together all the way to Melbourne. The young lady explained that she had some serious health problems and was on her way to see her doctor. Stine was able to give her a copy of Steps to Christ (Path to Peace). We are hoping that she will open her heart to the Lord as she reads that precious little book. Stine felt that there was a purpose in the delays. She has her contact details and will keep in touch.

Stine had taken a box of Path to Peace to Melbourne that day. It was a little too heavy, so after checking with the library about a room for hire, she went outside and started handing the books out on the street. A young Filipino man took one and then after a few steps turned around and came back to talk to her. “What church are you from?” he asked. She told him she was a Seventh-day Adventist. “I was once a Seventh-day Adventist,” he responded, “but I switched to the Pentecostal church.” He said his mother was an SDA, but his father was Pentecostal. “Where can I go to an Adventist meeting?” he asked. Stine told him about the Gateway church where there are a lot of other young people (and where they do a lot of soul winning). We are praying that he will find his way back into God’s church.

And here is one more very interesting fact. We believe that nothing happens by chance. Stine was only outside the library for a very short time on the street handing out Path to Peace. No doubt, the Holy Spirit sent this young man just at that time, so he could meet her and be reintroduced to the Adventist message.

Renovation Project

Therapy Renovations are now finished

We are planning our final major renovation effort this December, January and February at Highwood Health Retreat. We will add five more private bathrooms to our guestrooms; redesign the kitchen, pantry and dining rooms, as well as some office areas. If you have building skills we would love to have you as part of our team for any part of that time. And if you are able to cook, or help with the garden, you are also welcome to come. Come be a part of the mission and the fun. Contact Pastor Mayer at hmayer@ktfministry.org [1].

The SAD Diet and the Food-Mood Connection

The Standard American Diet (SAD), that can cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer, may also be affecting the way people think. The National Institutes of Health says that approximately one quarter of Americans “suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.” Now new research suggests that the SAD diet is making us sad, or crazy, or mentally disordered…

Studies have shown a close association between the food you eat and the mood you have. Consistent results suggest that “eating foods rich in whole, unprocessed, nutrient-rich” foods are associated with fewer incidences of mental health problems. Diets high in “junk food” including fried and processed foods, sugar, refined grains, etc. are associated with higher rates of mental disorders. While there is just a correlation, not causation, the correlation is significant and should not be ignored.

Much of the research is investigating the so-called gut-brain connection and its role in mental illness. Microbes, some good and some bad, live in the gut are now believed to have “direct communication with the brain and have a powerful role in our physical and mental health.” When you eat too much “junk food” you encourage growth of the disease-promoting bacteria. This upsets the balance of the gut microbiome.

Studies in rodents have shown that an imbalanced gut microbiome can “force changes in brain chemistry, mood, and behavior that encourage depression and anxiety.”

Human studies are just getting started. But there are many people who junk the junk food and start eating unprocessed whole foods and find relief from symptoms of mental illness and mood disorders. While some of it involves a gluten-free diet, there is apparently much more to a whole food diet than originally understood.

A whole food diet seems to “heal the gut microbiome and control systemic inflammation because of antioxidant-rich and omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body – and the mind.”

Eat more veggies.

Nature knows best.

Source Reference