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Judges Strike Down Gay Marriage Bans in Pennsylvania, Oregon

Judges in Oregon, Pennsylvania and Arkansas have struck down same-sex marriage bans giving same-sex marriage more legal victories. The Pennsylvania ruling strikes down the last remaining ban in the U.S. Northeast region. “We are a better people than what these laws represent,” wrote the Pennsylvania Judge. ”It is time to discard them into the ash heap of history.”

The Pennsylvania ruling came one day after an Oregon Judge handed down his ruling that overthrew a voter-passed ban on same-sex marriage.  Soon after the decision the state began issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling granted full federal recognition to married same-sex couples, judges have struck down same-sex marriage bans in 9 states: Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Virginia.  Four more states have been forced to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages. They are, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Meanwhile, a state judge in Arkansas also ruled against a similar ban on same-sex marriages. The state Supreme Court ordered a stay during appellate court appeal. Similarly, an Idaho Judge struck down the state ban on same-sex marriage. 

And the legal momentum continues. So far 19 states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage, including all the West coast states and those in the Northeast Corridor. There is now only one state, North Dakota, in which bans on same-sex marriage have not yet been challenged in court. That will likely change soon. Most of the rulings banning same-sex marriage have been stayed pending appeal. And in some states legal cases have not been heard yet. In 2014 eight states have had their bans on gay marriage overturned.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia predicted that the ruling striking down the Federal Defense of Marriage Act would arm same-sex advocates with ammunition for state battles. So far, no state battle to overthrow bans on same-sex marriage has failed.

The wild momentum of same-sex marriage victories is ominous. It reveals that we are very near the end of time.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot… Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed, Luke 17:28 and 30.

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