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Influential Swedish Evangelical Pastor Converts to Catholicism

Ulf Ekman resigned from the board of Yoido Full Gospel Church, one of the world’s largest congregations, and will join the Roman Catholic Church. The Charismatic church was founded in South Korea by David Yonggi Cho. 

Ekman, who founded the prosperity-emphasizing 3,300-member mega church and Bible school in Uppsala, Sweden, said he changed his views about Catholicism after he studied their beliefs. He stepped down from the pastorate of the church in 2013. 

In his resignation letter, he said in true ecumenical fashion, “We treasure the friendship we have with you in the Lord and believe we will, in a different capacity continue to have a living fellowship and a deep unity in Jesus.”

The Swedish Evangelical Alliance responded to Ekman’s resignation letter. “Ulf Ekman, despite all the controversies along the way, is undoubtedly the most dynamic and influential Christian leader we have had in Sweden during the past half century,” said General Secretary Stefan Gustavsson. “For those who followed Ulf Ekman, the transition to the Catholic Church is no surprise. He has over a long period of years been enthusiastic, both in books and articles, about a clear Catholic theology.”

Ekman wrote in an op article, that he had been part of a movement that was part of the ongoing fragmentation of Christendom. On his website he says that he and his wife had undergone a slow transformation over the past decade as they came to know many charismatic Catholics. “We have seen a great love for Jesus and a sound theology, founded on the Bible and classic dogma. We have experienced the richness of sacramental life. We have seen the logic in having a solid structure for priesthood, that keeps the faith of the church and passes it on from one generation to the next,” said Ekman. Ekman plans to pursue unity among Christian movements and denominations. 

Note, that it is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal that helped Ekman let go of his Protestant faith. Protestants who prioritize emotional experience over Bible doctrines are vulnerable to the ecumenical appeal of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.  Watch for more Charismatics to join Rome through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. 

Note, that he also says that the Catholic Church has sound theology from the Bible and “classic dogma.” Classic dogma is referring to Catholic teaching that is not found in the Bible. Once classic dogma is accepted, there is no barrier to joining Rome. 

“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him…” Revelation 13:8

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