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Germany Rising

“We must not think we can be protected from political, economic, ecological and military conflicts if we do not participate in their resolution,” said German President Joachim Gauck said on the 23rd anniversary of Germany’s reunification. “I cannot imagine Germany making itself big by dictating its conduct to others, but I also cannot imagine Germany making itself small to avoid taking risks and solidarity.”

The reunification of Germany was the foundation for Germany to rise again as a powerful nation on the geopolitical field. If the Vatican is ever going to regain control of Europe, if ever the Holy Roman Empire is going to rise again, as predicted in Bible prophecy, Germany must be strong. The European Union has been the cradle for Germany to strengthen and grow her power. Now she dominates Europe and European agendas.

Gauck was especially referring to its military might. He further pointed out that Berlin should not neglect its responsibilities with regard to its eastern European neighbors, the nations of the Middle East and North Africa. Germany, with the Euro zone’s most powerful economy, has been steering Europe through its debt crisis for the last four years.

The United States is pushing Germany to take on a greater role, too. “There’s a lot of frustration in Washington with Germany’s reluctance to take on a bigger role in international security affairs in particular,” said Chris Chivvis, a political scientist at the global policy think tank RAND Corporation.

“Our country is not an island,” Gauck said.

Germany has a mixed record in supporting armed conflicts. But Germany is rebuilding its military might as well as its geopolitical power. Germany is also working closely with the Vatican to rebuild Europe under papal principles. Perhaps Germany will be a key player in end-time prophecy in which all the world will wonder after the beast. See Revelation 13:4.

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