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Free Trade America Europe

In spite of the upset feelings in Europe, particularly in Germany, due to the NSA scandal, the U.S. is still pushing ahead with American-European free trade agreement negotiations. Free trade is the cornerstone of globalization. Free trade is where international systems are put in place to merge nations and regions of nations. That is how the European Union began. That is how the East Africa Union began, and free trade is the foundation for the merger of North American nations (Canada, the U.S. and Mexico) too.

Recently, Michael Froman, the chief negotiator for the Americans gave a speech at the German Ambassador’s residence in Washington to a meeting of the Munich Security conference in which he was so confident of the benefits and prospects of a new trade agreement between the U.S. and the EU, that it sounded like a sales pitch.

Free trade with Europe is a personal priority of the U.S. President Barack Obama, Froman said, and that the benefits would be “beyond belief.” The U.S. priority is to keep negotiations moving forward.

Technical and regulatory details should be ironed out soon, along with the sticking points of genetically modified foods and standards for medications. The U.S. has already eased restrictions on the import of EU beef, which were imposed during the BSE scandal in 1998. And there is an aggressive monthly schedule for negotiations until the agreement is finalized. The aim is to have the agreement signed before the current European Commission leaves office in the fall of 2014 and the election of a new U.S. Congress.

In other words, the two sides are doing their best to get it done while a favorable environment exists for both sides to ratify any agreement. The NSA scandal may create delays, but for the time being, there is a strong move to bring a trans-Atlantic free trade agreement into force.

Universal worship laws described in Revelation 13:8 require substantial integration of the nations and regions of nations. Globalists may not realize it but they working to fulfill the prophecies of the Book of Revelation.

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