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Foods that Help Cut Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer affects a lot of women. In the U.S., one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Did you know that there are foods that will help reduce your risk?

“Diet, neutraceuticals and properly balanced hormones give women the lowest risk of breast cancer – and the best chance of surviving it,” said Dr. Gary Donovitz, an Ob-Gyn from the Institute for Hormonal Balance in Arlington, Texas.

There are specific foods with protective properties against estrogen-sensitive cancers. Those foods come in five key areas:

1) Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, which contain indole-3-carbinol, a protective agent against estrogen-sensitive cancers, and glucosinolates, which aid the elimination of carcinogens from the body before they cause cell damage.

2) Yellow and deeply colored vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes spinach and kale also have powerful anticancer properties. Dr. Heather Eliassen, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School says, “It looks like it is a linear relationship. The higher you go [in eating these types of vegetables], the [lower] your risk is. There is some benefit at a moderate level of carotenoids and there is even more benefit at a higher level.”

3) Fiber can greatly increase protection against breast cancer. Adding just 10 grams of fiber a day reduces breast cancer risk by up to 7 percent.

4) Sea vegetables contain trace minerals such as iodine, which has a positive effect on breast health, calcium, which is believed to have a “chemo-preventative” effect. Brown and red seaweed have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth.

5) Whole soy foods, such as tofu or edamame decrease the risk of breast cancer considerably.

Coffee is also sometimes mentioned as a preventive for breast cancer because of its antioxidants. But caffeine and other elements in coffee bring toxins and other problems to the body. It is not without side effects.

To effectively fight cancer, increase your fruits and vegetables, which have high fiber, little fat, and high concentrations of neutraceuticals that powerfully fight cancer cells by boosting the immune system, provide powerful vitamins and antioxidants. There is nothing better than a balanced plant-based diet for optimum health and prevention of breast cancer. For maximum benefit eliminate flesh food and food from animals such as dairy and poultry products. These are closely associated with many cancers including breast cancer.

Also, reduce your toxic load by reducing processed foods and the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides and replace them with chemical-free products.

“Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet. Counsels on Diets and Foods, page 81

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