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Fires Rage in California

San Diego County has a string of dangerous wildfires that have burned homes and displaced tens of thousands of people and shut down schools and amusement parks. At least eight homes, two businesses and an18-unit condominium have been destroyed so far. 110,000 people are affected in the San Marcos and Carlsbad suburbs. One charred body was found.

Two teens have been arrested in the investigation into the cause of a fire in the Escondido area.

The fires, fed by very dry brush and trees from a prolonged drought, were whipped by a dry Santa Ana wind system which reverses the wind from the Pacific Ocean and creates tinderbox conditions.

For the first time in this century the entire state of California is in severe drought, or worse. 100% of the state is in severe, extreme or exceptional drought.

“Fires will break out unexpectedly, and no human effort will be able to quench them. The palaces of earth will be swept away in the fury of the flames.” Maranatha, page 37

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