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Evangelicals Praise Climate Change Agreement

It’s not only Pope Francis that is praising the agreement signed in Paris on the environment. “Four leading evangelical groups—the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Lausanne Creation Care Action Network, Tearfund, and A Rocha International—have joined him.”

“As evangelical leaders, we commit to bringing the Paris Agreement home to the countries where we are represented all around the world, and to play our part in celebrating and promoting it, in working for its implementation and delivery, and in challenging governments and world leaders in the months and years ahead to strengthen it in the ways still needed,” the groups wrote in a joint statement.

“We will never stop speaking out and engaging the evangelical constituency with these critical issues until humanity’s relationship with God’s creation has truly returned to one of balance and restored relationships, that God intended and the Bible sets out,” they wrote.

Leaders from these evangelical groups attended the talks. “What is most remarkable to me is that the global evangelical community spoke with a strong voice at a COP meeting for the first time, and that government delegations listened to us and to the other faith communities,” said Ed Brown, Lausanne senior associate for creation care, in a statement. “Because of this, the climate conversation has permanently shifted from merely economics and politics to include morality.”

The pope lead the shift by publishing an encyclical in June 2015, inviting 60 big-city mayors to Rome for climate discussions and numerous statements and comments to push for an agreement.

Among pastors and church members, the concern for the environment is less than these leading evangelical organizations. But it is growing. Four in ten Protestant pastors “believe global warming is real and man-made.” This is an increase from 2010, but down slightly from 2008. With an emphasis on climate change among leading evangelical organizations, it is sure to increase interest and conviction on the matter among pastors and laymen.

The urgent papal appeal to protect the environment has also increased awareness of the environmental issues. Evangelical organizations are sure to follow in his steps and assist the Holy See in getting its message spread more broadly.

“All the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

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