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Europe Will Centralize its Banking System

The European Parliament has agreed to place approximately 150 of the EU’s largest banks under the oversight of the European Central Bank (ECB) beginning September 2014. The new system will be compulsory for Eurozone members, but will be open to all other EU countries under attractive terms to encourage them to participate. MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) are working on legislation that will allow non-Eurozone banks to participate as equal partners.

The new system, which is an important step toward a full banking union, transfers a considerable amount of bank supervisory powers from national governments to the EU level through the ECB.  Though national governments will have some say in the process, the European Parliament has the final authority over the chairman of the supervisory board.

The President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and the President of the European Parliament claim that the new system will have a “high degree of accountability.”

The EU continues to strengthen itself as a supranational government. A full banking union would place the economy of Europe under a centralized plan that would then manipulate the economy for its own purposes. Getting control of banking and the economy is key to controlling society. If ever there is going to be a centralized government that controls even religion, this process must necessarily mature to the point where consolidation and centralization of power along with social engineering can guide the nations of Europe into a one-world religion. The Catholic Church claims this position as the predominant faith of Europe.

Eventually, according to the Bible, a centralized economy will also be used to enforce a global religion. See Revelation 13:17 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

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