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‘We Are Going to Impose Christian Rule in this Country’

Right Wing Watch, by Kyle Mantala: On Wednesday night’s episode of his “TruNews” program, during which he praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being “aborted continuously forever” by demons in Hell, End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles also found time to blame Jews for the legalization of abortion in this nation in the first place, declaring that “we would not have abortion in America if it was not for powerful, influential rich Jews in America.”

Wiles returned to that theme on last night’s program, where he read from an op-ed in the Israeli paper Haaretz written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen, in which she argued that Alabama’s law is “a threat to my religious freedom as a Jew. . . because according to classical Jewish text and most rabbinic interpreters, a developing embryo or fetus is not ‘an unborn child’ or ‘person,’ but has the legal status of an appendage of the pregnant woman. It is part of her body, not a separate person, until the moment that a majority of a viable baby capable of independent life has been born.”

Wiles, who is deeply anti-Semitic and dedicates many of his TruNews programs to railing against Israel and the Jews yet still regularly receives press credentials from the White House, blasted Cohen’s op-ed and boldly declared that Christians are going to take back America from the Jews “and we are going to impose Christian rule.”

“We Christians are standing up and pushing out Zionism,” Wiles said. “That’s what we’re doing. Zionism brought the slaughter of 65 million babies to America and we’re going to end it and we are going to impose Christian rule in this country.”

“Why are you imposing Judaism on me?” he asked. “Because that’s exactly what’s been done in America since 1973 with Roe v. Wade. Judaism was imposed on me, on my Christian nation and we became a Jewish nation that kills babies. That’s against my Christian beliefs. . . . Judaism became the law of the land in America. That’s precisely what the courts have ruled. They have based their rulings on the Zohar, on the Talmud, and now we have Zionistic Talmudic law ruling this country and resulting in the death of millions of babies. And Ms. Cohen, we Christians are standing up and we’re telling you that we’re done with Zionism, we’re done with your values. We are going to impose Christian values in America again, whether you like it or not.”

Our Comment:
As evil increases, the conservative right is beginning to react in response. Eventually, this group will push for Sunday laws to “improve the morals of society.”

Prophetic Link:
“Yet this very class [those who reject the true Sabbath] put forth the claim that the fast-spreading corruption is largely attributable to the desecration of the so-called “Christian sabbath,” and that the enforcement of Sunday observance would greatly improve the morals of society. This claim is especially urged in America, where the doctrine of the true Sabbath has been most widely preached.” Great Controversy, page 587.

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