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U.S. Aquifers Decline, Pumped Beyond Limits

Ground water is disappearing. Aquifers are declining. Wells suck air. Counties all across America are drying up. Farming depends on the underground reservoirs, and without water fields of crops could wither. Weakening water resources have many farmers concerned because in five or ten years, their farms will no longer exist. “It’s a question of how much time is left,” said Kansas farmer Jay Garetson.

The High Plains Aquifer, which lies beneath eight states from South Dakota to Texas is the lifeblood of one of the world’s most productive farming economies, and supplies water to about one-fifth of the country’s corn crops, wheat and cattle. Also known as the Ogallala the aquifer has been rapidly declining, and each year more wells go dry.

In western Kansas, the groundwater has already been exhausted, while in other areas, the remaining water could easily be used up within a decade. The crisis however, is nationwide, as far more water is being pumped from under ground than can be naturally replenished, which has groundwater levels plummeting. From California to the Gulf Coast Plain to the Mississippi River Valley, and from the Southwest to the Southeast, irrigation water is at a premium.

In a nationwide study of the problem USA Today found that water levels are falling in nearly two-thirds of the wells it studied (32,000). The U.S. Geological Survey revealed that nationwide water levels have declined 64 percent in the last two decades with the average decline more than 10 feet, while in some areas, the water table has dropped more than 100 feet. That’s five feet per year.

As drought in the west has intensified, ground water levels have also declined as over-pumping has intensified, even in relatively wet states like Maryland and Florida.

Drought and loss of water resources is a harbinger of famine. As we near the end of time, it is important to remember Jesus’ words. “And there shall be famines…” Matthew 24:7

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