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Esteem of Pope Francis on Par With John Paul II in the USA

Pope Francis has continued to become more popular in the United States. A recent Pew Research Study (February 2015) indicates that a strikingly 90 percent of all U.S. Catholics view the pope favorably and nearly 60 percent have a “very favorable” view. This nearly unanimous approval is comparable to their views of Pope John Paul II in the 1980s and ‘90s.

But the pope’s popularity is very broad-based. Non-Catholics have grown more admiring of Pope Francis too. Among all adults including both Catholic and non-Catholic, 70 percent view him positively. That’s up 13 points since his election in March of 2013. Those who view him unfavorably are about 15 percent and those with no opinion at 15 percent. Among Protestants 60 percent view him positively, and among those unaffiliated (“nones”), 68 percent view him favorably (up from 39 percent in March 2013). Men and women, Republicans and Democrats view him with esteem. More older Americans (65 and older) than younger Americans (under 50) view him positively.

“All the world wondered…” Revelation 13:3

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