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Catholic Priest: Leaving God out of Politics is Illogical, Immoral, and Un-American

CNSNews.com, by Michael W. Chapman: During a talk before a group of Republicans in Florida recently, Fr. Michael Orsi, a Catholic priest, said that America’s founders were God-fearing men and women who understood that to have “a virtuous country, you have to believe in God.” Fr. Orsi added that it is “illogical, immoral, and un-American” to leave God out of politics and out of the public square, reported LifeSiteNews on Aug. 6.

“If your pastor is staying away from politics, tell him he’s an illegitimate pastor,” said Rev. Orsi. “[P]olitics affect our lives. And when we talk about our lives, we necessarily have to remind ourselves that we are called to be moral creatures.”

“The important part about politics is that God is important in our political life,” he said.

Fr. Orsi further said that the drive to push God and faith out of the public square is “very foolish, very stupid, very un-American.” This country was founded by people who believed in God and understood that He plays an integral role in the life of individuals as well as the nation and the world, said the priest.

“They realized that in order to have a virtuous country, you have to believe in God,” said Fr. Orsi. “Why? [Because] God guarantees your rights.”

“Without God guaranteeing you your rights, who gives you your rights?” added Fr. Orsi. “The state? The politicians? God gives you your rights. They are anchored in God.”

“God sets the standard for what is right and what is wrong,” said the priest, who is the parochial vicar of St. Agnes parish in Naples, Fla. “And in order to have a healthy political system, in order to have America as we know America, God has to play an important role in our civil discourse.”

“I think it’s time that you talk openly about God,” said Fr. Orsi. “Openly, because that’s what people’s hearts are and people know what’s right when they hear the truth.”

He continued, “Where do we find the truth? Where’s our nation rooted? In God, but God in the Bible, in the Judeo Christian tradition. That’s where God is found and that’s where we learn how to live as good human beings.”

“I want to tell you to speak openly about our rights given to us by God,” said Fr. Orsi. “Tell your pastors that you want to hear the truth. Because it’s only the truth that will set you free.”

Prophetic Link:
“The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending. Its professions are mild and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon. It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger.” Testimonies for the Church, volume 5, page 452.

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