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DGB Boss Hoffmann promotes Sunday’s Rest

The chairman of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Reiner Hoffmann, has spoken out for Sunday’s rest. The DGB is “very close to the churches,” he said. Sunday must remain free of work, except in areas such as health care or internal security where this is not possible.

According to Hoffmann, the employees need resting phases. “We do not accidentally observe rising absenteeism for years due to mental illness, often from overload,” said the DGB boss. It would not make sense to talk about a seventh working day in the week.

At the same time, it was clear that employees with low incomes had an interest in making a few euros more on Sunday surcharges, Hoffmann stressed. This contradiction would also have to be avoided by works councils. “But the answer can only be to [make] the low-wage sector [go away]” said the DGB chairman.

Sunday rest laws are a prelude to Sunday worship laws. The final test is a test of worship. The European Union is an attempt at resurrecting the Holy Roman Empire. It would be no surprise then, that key European leaders including leaders of trades unions, would press for Sunday rest.

“The test will surely come. Thirty-six years ago I was shown that what is now transpiring would take place, that the observance of an institution of the papacy would be enforced upon the people by a Sunday law, while the sanctified rest day of Jehovah would be trampled underfoot.” Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 137.

Source References

Original article translated from the German: