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Deadly Storm Attacks Britain and Europe

A storm has killed 13 people in the UK and in Europe with Germany hit the hardest. Hurricane-force winds of up to 160 kph knocked down trees, flooded low areas and left hundreds of thousands without power.  At least five people died in the UK and four in Germany with two additional deaths at sea. There were also deaths in Denmark and the Netherlands.

One of the worst storms to hit Britain in years spread travel chaos to airports, trains and roads. Ports were closed, a building crane in London was knocked over, while some roads, train stations and rail lines were also shut down due to storm damage.

“Everything in the world is in agitation. The signs of the times are ominous. Coming events cast their shadows before. The Spirit of God is withdrawing from the earth, and calamity follows calamity by sea and by land. There are tempests, earthquakes, fires, floods, murders of every grade. Who can read the future? Where is security? There is assurance in nothing that is human or earthly. Rapidly are men ranging themselves under the banner they have chosen. Restlessly are they waiting and watching the movements of their leaders. There are those who are waiting and watching and working for our Lord’s appearing. Another class are falling into line under the generalship of the first great apostate. Few believe with heart and soul that we have a hell to shun and a heaven to win.” Desire of Ages, page 636

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