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So What Do “Christians” Believe if they don’t have a Biblical World View?

Research has shown that only 17 percent of practicing Christians have a biblical worldview. If that’s the case, then what do they believe?

Well, 61 percent of Christians who attend church at least once a month and say their faith is very important to their lives and self-identify as a Christian also believe some tenets of New Age religions. Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries, which, along with the American Faith and Culture Institute, put the numbers together, says this is a serious problem.

“The chickens have come home to roost, so to speak,” he said. “It’s not just that they don’t have a biblical worldview; it’s that they’ve picked up other world views from the culture around them.”

Fifty-four percent of practicing Christians resonate with post-modern views, almost four in ten have some Muslim sympathies, more than a third accept Marxist ideas, and 29 percent believe ideas based on secularism.

Myers says many Christians corrupt their biblical worldview after having well-meaning conversations with their non-Christian friends. “We’re motivated to try to want to make them feel OK about what they believe… and a lot of times we end up then just assuming that certain beliefs are probably OK; they’re not really that bad, and so they must be alright,” Meyers said. “And then Christians end up being very confused about what they themselves believe.”

“It’s in the home; it’s in the church; it’s in the community. That’s how the faith is passed on. We need Godly homes. We need churches where the faith is passed on to the upcoming generation,” said Alex McFarland, a Christian apologist and educator.

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12.

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