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British Values Guidelines Threaten Christian Children and Families

Children in Britain could be viewed as potential extremists if they say homosexuality is wrong or evil, said Britain’s education secretary Nicky Morgan. Government guidelines designed to detect possible radicalization and prevent Islamic terrorism could trigger teacher concerns if their students make comments against homosexuality.

Traditional Christians are concerned that they will now be viewed with suspicion by the government if they raise their children in line with their conservative religious beliefs.

The British Department for Education has issued the new guidelines that now identify “things that [children] say” as potential identifiers of pupils at risk of radicalization, according to Morgan. “But we have since last year been very clear that schools should also be teaching British values – those are the things that we all hold dear.”

During medieval times the Waldenses, who were persecuted by their society for their beliefs, had to teach their children to be very careful what they said so as not to betray their real identity. Could Britain be resurrecting those times again?

Schools in Britain are being assessed whether they are promoting British government identified themes such as democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. Two Christian schools are being closed after they were judged to have failed the “British Values” test. The tests were established to prevent hard-line Muslim groups from infiltrating schools. Now, these very guidelines could easily be used against Christians whose views are outside of the mainstream.

When asked for an example of something that would trigger teacher concerns, Morgan identified views against homosexuality. “It could trigger a thought, it would depend very much on the context in which that was being discussed,” she said. “But teachers would discuss it as they do already when they are concerned about children who are at risk of perhaps being drawn into a gang or being exploited or being neglected at home. This is a safeguarding issue.”

But Christian groups are concerned that families who believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman will now be linked with extremism, They fear that teachers will become spies on conservative Christian families in a new era of “thought police.”

Government interference with beliefs and values of its citizens is crucial to forming a globalized religion before Jesus comes. Islamic extremism is the excuse being used to resurrect the principles of medieval thought crimes. Views that are not considered to be mainstream will become politically incorrect and not tolerated.

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