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Brexit is about Rome!

“This referendum was never a fight between Britain and Europe, as so widely depicted,” wrote Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph about the British vote to leave the European Union (Brexit). “It was the first episode of a pan-Europe uprising against the Caesaropapism of the EU Project and its technocrat priesthood. It will not be the last.”

Caesaropapism? What does that mean? The word literally means the Imperial rulership of the popes. And that is what Evans-Prichard is referring to when he talks about the Caesaropapism of Europe. That what the European Union is. And it’s not just the Brits that want out. There are quite a few others as well.

“It is time for Project Grit,” says Evans-Prichard. “We warned over the final weeks of the campaign that a vote to leave the EU would be traumatic, and that is what the country now faces as markets shudder and Westminster is thrown into turmoil.”

The Brexit vote is “the point of rupture for the post-war European order. It will be a Herculean task to extract Britain from the EU after 43 years enmeshed in a far-reaching legal and constitutional structure.”

The fact that Scotland and Northern Ireland want to stay in the EU threatens to fragment the United Kingdom unless handled with extreme care.

The economy of Britain is already feeling the stress. Standard and Poor’s declared that Brexit “spells the end” of the UK’s investment AAA rating. Britain has to sort out the best way to safeguard access to European markets and ensure that London remains viable. And that depends as much on Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid and Warsaw as it does on London. “Both sides are handling nitroglycerin.”

The European elites brought it upon themselves. “It is they who have pushed Utopian ventures, and mismanaged the consequences disastrously. It is they who have laid siege to the historic nation states, and who fatally crossed the line of democratic legitimacy with the Lisbon Treaty. This was bound to come to a head, and now it has.”

The pound fell 6pc to €1.23 against the Euro, a far cry from the predictions that it would come into parity with the EU. Even the slide against the dollar was only 4pc. Other financial indicators were just a little off, compared to the warnings. “It is unpleasant but it is not a systemic financial crisis, and it is not global.”

The same voices of authority that tried to frighten the British into staying in the EU are “now bathing us with words of soothing calm. Everything will be alright after all, said the Bank of England’s Mark Carney. British banks are stress-tested for Armageddon… The ECB, the Fed, and the central banking fraternity are joining forces to douse the fire, as we all knew they would have to do.”

The “leavers” don’t have enough seats in parliament to dictate the outcome, so it has to be carefully negotiated. All this means is that everything, including free flow of EU migrants (which is incendiary), remains the same.

The fight is over the EU attempt at resurrecting the Holy Roman Empire. The “Caesaropapism” of the EU is the underlying issue, and it remains to be seen whether Brussels can keep the nations together. Bible prophecy says it can’t do so naturally. Thus it can only be done by deceit and force.

“And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” Daniel 2:41-43.

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