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Archbishop of Canterbury has Doubts about the Existence of God

Justin Welby admitted he sometimes has doubts that God exists, and questions why God doesn’t intervene to prevent injustice.

The comments were made during an interview with the BBC in Bristol cathedral.

“Do you ever doubt?” asked the BBC interviewer, Lucy Tegg.
“Yes, I do.” Welby replied. “In lots of different ways really. It’s a very good question. That means I’ve got to think about what I’m going to say. Yes, I do.” He added, “I love the Psalms, if you look at Psalm 88, that’s full of doubt.”

‘There are moments, sure, where you think ‘Is there a God? Where is God?’ Welby quickly added that, as the leader of the world’s 80 million-strong Anglican community, this was ‘probably not what the archbishop of Canterbury should say.’”

Welby said, however, he was certain about the existence of Jesus.

Welby obviously doesn’t understand the principles of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. God does not force anyone to serve Him. God has to allow Satan to manifest himself so that everyone can see his real agenda and make an informed choice to serve Him or not. Injustice, pain and suffering are all part of the way God prepares sinful human hearts for heaven. God promises to sustain His people through trial and even death. Understanding God through suffering or injustice is difficult if you do not understand the Bible.

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12

Source Reference

Archbishop of Canterbury admits doubts about existence of God [1]