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Al Gore calls for Penalties on Climate Deniers

Former Vice President Al Gore called for punishment on climate-change deniers. He said politicians should pay a price for rejecting “accepted science.”

Referring to a federal cap-and-trade system, Gore said, “We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends,” which would penalize companies who exceed their carbon-emission limits. “And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics.”

Gore made his remarks at the massive SXSW Interactive festival which brings designers, developers, investors, entrepreneurs, film producers and politicians together to talk about technology, innovation and the future.

“We have this denial industry cranked up constantly,” Gore said in answering a question. “In addition to 99 percent of the scientists and all the professional scientific organizations, now Mother Nature is weighing in.”

In a presentation, Gore showed a slide of Pope Francis and said he looks forward to the pope’s encyclical on the environment. “I’m not a Catholic,” Gore said, “but I could be persuaded to become one.”

Regardless of whether climate change is real or not, freedom of speech is under attack concerning the environment. In the middle ages, the church persecuted those who opposed scientific definitions that the church had approved. Are we headed toward the medieval days of Galileo again?

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