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Africa, Uganda and the Central African Republic Wonder After

Pope Francis visited three nations in Africa in late November, Kenya, Uganda and the war-torn Central African Republic (CAR). He had been invited by the heads of state and the local bishops in each of the three countries.

In Kenya, the pope spoke of traditional values and urged young people to shape the future society on inclusiveness and respect for human dignity. He also urged Kenyans to work for peace, especially between Muslims and Christians.

In Uganda, the pope spoke against greedy wealthy minorities that hoard wealth, honored Catholic “martyrs,” and urged unity and compassion.

While in the CAR he visited one of the most dangerous neighborhoods on the planet and appealed to Christians and Muslims to end the bloodshed that has killed thousands in the last three years. The papal visit occurred during a surge of violence, but was protected by an unprecedented show of military force with over 3000 UN peace-keeping troops, armored vehicles and machine guns throughout the PK5 neighborhood.

The pope spoke at a mosque and said, “Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters. Those who claim to believe in God must also be men and women of peace.

Healing rifts between Christian and Muslim communities was a theme Francis’ used through out his three-nation tour. The violence in the CAR started in 2013 and has killed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands.

“Together, we must say no to hatred, to revenge and to violence, particularly that violence which is perpetrated in the name of a religion or of God himself. God is peace, ‘salam,'” he said.

In all three countries, the pope said masses for thousands upon thousands, many from neighboring countries that travelled great distances to hear them.

“All the world wondered…” Revelation 13:3

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