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The “Adventistbomber”

By Hal Mayer

“The idea of flying planes into skyscrapers didn’t originate with al-Qaeda,” reported the Atlantic Monthly (May, 2004). World War II was going badly for the Germans. Hitler was getting desperate, and ordered his engineers to develop “Wunderwaffen” or “miracle weapons.” One of them was “Projekt A,” a huge plane for transatlantic missions that would release a smaller, much faster plane from its underbelly. This smaller plane had no landing gear or weapons systems and was not designed to be “recovered.” How else could this be used than for the suicide bombing of large buildings? Hitler called it the “Amerikabomber.”

The Nazi’s were interested in suicide bombers. In fact, they trained and used 16 of them against the Russians in defending Berlin, April 16 and 17, 1945.

Albert Speer, one of Hitler’s key military ministers wrote in his diary, “It was almost as if he was in a delirium when he described to us how New York would go up in flames. He imagined how the skyscrapers would turn into huge burning torches. How they would crumble while the reflection of the flames would light the skyline against the dark sky.” (Atlantic Monthly, May 2004). It’s a good thing Hitler didn’t have enough time isn’t it?.

As we near the end of the great controversy, Satan will be getting more desperate. He knows he has lost the war. But he is determined to do all he can to destroy his enemies – those that stand in the way of his religious totalitarianism.

What measures will he use against the faithful? Already we have seen plenty, but certainly there will be more. I suggest that some people will get so passionate against those that stand for the truth that they will do anything to destroy them, even if it they are themselves ruined in the process. Perhaps you have already seen some of this kind spiritual suicide.

Satan’s primary concern is God’s remnant church. He is designing spiritual “Adventistbombers” and “Wunderwaffen” just for God’s faithful people. He will be permitted to use them too. (see Rev. 13:13-14). One of them is the proliferation of winds of doctrine that often effect those that are among the “conservatives.” Also, the current on-going attack on the Spirit of Prophecy is an important “Projekt” in Satan’s arsenal. He has to disconnect you from your Spirit of Prophecy moorings, or he will not be successful in overthrowing you. Perhaps he will also enlist a squadron of your fellow church members to help him out. He wants the spiritual skyline to reflect the flames of your destroyed church.

Are you ready? Do you have a work to do in defending the faith once delivered to the saints? Do you think we need to be alert to the devices Satan is developing to distract us from preparing for the last great struggle? God bless you as you prepare for it.

“The idea of flying planes into skyscrapers didn’t originate with al-Qaeda,” reported the Atlantic Monthly (May, 2004). World War II was going badly for the Germans. Hitler was getting desperate…